10 Unique Startup Ideas for Profitable Business in 2023

Starting a business does not only suck on your time but also takes up much energy. Meanwhile, these unique startup ideas for business abound everywhere. But before deciding on a type of business, you must consider some factors. They are;

  • What do you enjoy?
  • What do people compliment you about?
  • What things do you wish are available but are not?

Apart from the financial benefits of new startup business ideas, it is also an asset that grows exponentially. In establishing a business, there are many things to look out for: profitability. The uniqueness of a company also affects its profitability.


How to Know a Business Idea is Unique

The idea you bring to the market is not new, so your uniqueness makes the difference. Identity is an essential but unique quality for a new startup business, but how does one stand out among competitors? The following are five (5) ways to stand out:

  1. Reliability: How dependable are your goods and services. The success your service also gives matters, and how properly the failure that comes is essential.
  2. Quality: It is not just creating luxury, but your service must prove its worth when with its competitors
  3. Creativity: the unique features of a startup ideas for business is shown by thinking outside regulars.
  4. Convenience: The easiness of a product is another thing customers look out for in a business
  5. Consistency: Some businesses offer a similar product, but maintaining high quality over time is essential.


10 startup ideas for business


Ten (10) Unique Startup Ideas for Profitable Business

This list is said to be unique for what reason? They are easy to start and cheap. They also can grow into something big. The following is a list of ten (10) startup business ideas:

1.     Content creation

Content creation is one of the most straightforward and accessible to a unique startup business ideas in the 21st century. The starting capital for this is minimal. Content creation brings in much uniqueness because of the market’s diversity. Content creation includes blogging, vlogging, and YouTube videos are examples of content creation

2.     Online Store

Like Etsy, Jumia and other online stores are available for individuals. You do not have to own products to be able to hold an online store. One could even startup as a middle man. You partner with someone that owns the products and get your commission off the product when you make sales.

3.     Tutoring

This start-up idea is another unique business startup ideas to consider. One could start with a very minimal to zero cost. Tutoring could be online and offline. Moreover, there is always an unending need for tutors in various aspects of life.

Sites like, TutorMe, and Studypool hire tutors and get paid. But one could create a teaching session in a physical system, and students pay for them. With 50k, one could get materials to help start up the business.

4.     Freelancing

A freelancer is someone who works independently. Companies, though, also hire freelancers for some time at their service rate. Fiverr, and are examples of sites that hire freelancers. To start this, all you need is to be able to provide the service that is required. Before you know it, you also ready unique startup business ideas going.

5.     Cleaning service

One can start a cleaning service business with a budget of less than fifty thousand. Cleaning services may include home cleaning, Sanitization, and laundry service are types of cleaning services one could engage in. It is one business you can start without capital. Meeting those that need this is also relatively easy, beginning with those around your neighborhood.


6.     Daycare

With a room and some toys, one could start a daycare business ideas as a unique and new startup. However, other things must be considered, such as emotions and temperament. But this is one of the innovative businesses to start up. Meanwhile, our creativity and reliability are essential in this business.

7.     Food delivery

Starting a restaurant in Nigeria is one of the fantastic startup business ideas, but it costs to start. It is easy and cheaper to start a food delivery business. In a food delivery business, one serves more as a middle man. It would help if you connected with some restaurants and a mode of transportation.

8.     Thrift shop

Like most businesses on this list, they are easy to start. This idea deals with the reselling of items. Items could involve clothing, goods, and other things. There are things to consider before starting. One could begin a productive business with proper connection and location of choice. With about 10K, one could start up this business. Selling can start within your family and friends and continues to grow over time.

9.     Fast food joints

This idea is a great option among viable business startup ideas for someone who enjoys cooking or things related. Kiosks, bus shops, or table shops are things you can start with. As we know, with food, everyone has their mode of making them, which gives the business uniqueness. A great location and proper market analysis are requirements for this startup. It also has the likelihood of growing big.

10.  Agro business

Starting a farm is a highly lucrative idea. From livestock to plants are always on constant request. There are loads of types of profitable ideas you could engage in. They are not just unique, but they are relatively easy to start.


Conclusion on Unique startup business ideas

There are things to consider for any startup business ideas, even those not on this list. Considerations must include how you stand out among your competition and also the kind of problem you are solving. Also, before starting a business, you must be passionate about it. These startup business ideas consume many things from you; passion keeps you going.


[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What are the 4 types of business models?” answer-0=”The 4 most comon business models include 1. Business-to-Business (B2B) 2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) 3. Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) 4. Direct-to-Consumer (D2C)” image-0=”” headline-1=”h2″ question-1=”what unique business can I start?” answer-1=”There are many uniwue businesses you can try out including ideas that are peculiar to your environment such as service or product delivery.” image-1=”” headline-2=”h2″ question-2=”which business is best for startup?” answer-2=”The most suitable businesses for startup are low-cost, low-capital business ideas.” image-2=”” headline-3=”h2″ question-3=”how do I get unique startups?” answer-3=”Creating unique startup businesses is easy if you identiy your own peculiarities and stick to ideas that flows through your head” image-3=”” headline-4=”h2″ question-4=”what are the top 5 small businesses to start?” answer-4=”Some small businesses to start include laundry, digital marketing, dog walking, errands, product delivery, dropshipping, etc” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]


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